A Raw Vegan Diet – Your Path to Healthy Skin!
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So your skin hasn’t been looking as great as you would like it to, what should you do? Start eating a Raw Vegan Diet! Your complexion will appreciate it. What you consume will play a big role in how your skin looks and feels. A raw vegan diet will provide the much needed nutritional value that your skin needs to be in its best condition.
A Diet that will Keep You From Eating Skin-Damaging Foods
Eating a raw vegan diet will automatically put you on a path of avoiding foods that will damage and age your skin. For example, refined carbohydrates can cause rising blood sugar, which in turn, causes inflammation. This is something we want to avoid because inflammation leads to wrinkles and premature aging. It makes sense, what would be likely to cause more damage to your skin, a refined carbohydrate such as an apple fritter from your local donut shop, or a fresh raw apple.
Inflammation from refined carbohydrates promotes skin damage because it causes elastin and collagen to breakdown. These elements give the skin its elasticity and youthful appearance. Studies show that a diet high in vegetable and fruits will have an anti-inflammatory effect on the body. This is why it is so important to eat a raw vegan diet, and stay away from skin-damaging foods.
How Does a Raw Vegan Diet Promote Skin Health?
A raw plant-based diet is what you should be eating, for good reasons. When plants are eaten in their natural uncooked raw state, their vitamin and mineral count will be at its highest. Raw food is best for optimal skin health, as well as overall health in general. When plants are cooked, most of their nutritional value is depleted, leaving less healthy skin promoting elements for you to take in.
So we determined that a raw diet is best for your skin. What about the vegan part? Eating a diet rich in plants is the best thing you can do for your skin. Plants contain many antioxidants and other elements that are made to protect your skin, and in turn, will fight off wrinkles and sagging.

What Exactly Can Raw Plants Do For Your Skin?
Raw plants can do so much for your skin. For instance, this type of diet can promote a healthy functioning liver. Edible raw plants normally do not have antibiotics or hormones, which are often found in animal products. They typically do not contain toxins as well. These items cause the liver to work harder while trying to filter them out. Furthermore, one place that the liver eliminates toxins is through the skin. In addition, the importance of a happy liver is that this organ helps in the process of saving and dispersing the nutrients that your skin needs. As you can see, eliminating toxins from your diet is a wise decision.
A Raw Vegan Diet will also benefit your skin by adding an adequate amount of water to your body. Many fruits and vegetable contain a high amount of water and provide an easy way to hydrate your skin and give you that healthy glow you have been wanting.
Skin Protecting Plants You Should Add to Your Diet

Kale not only tastes great, it can give you a clear healthy complexion. Greens such as this aid in the detoxification of the liver and ward off inflammation. As you remember, this is great for your skin. Kale is rich in essential vitamins as well as phytonutrients.
Citrus Fruits such as oranges, tangerines, grapefruit, limes, lemons, and others, have plenty of vitamin C which is a water soluble vitamin, necessary for the production of collagen.
Beets contain anthocyanins, known for fighting inflammation and free radicals. Beets also have their fill of antioxidants. folates, and other vitamins and nutrients that protect skin health. This plant can help reduce dry skin and age spots, and of course, wrinkles.
Take Your Raw Vegan Diet to the Next Level!
Want to jumpstart your path to a healthy lifestyle? Try this 21-day health boost program!
If you are considering taking a healthier approach to your food preparation, you have come to the right place. Check out our Living Raw Food Made Easy course.
If you want to take your raw food journey to a more advanced level, consider our Raw Food Culinary Course.